It's also the Feast day of Ashtara, also known as Ashtar, Ashtoreth, Aphrodite and Astarte. She was connected with fertility and sexuality and was associated with the planet Venus. A fitting goddess for the first day of Spring! Hmmm... A - starte. A start. Maybe tomorrow I'll start some seeds after all.
Lucas and I spent some time this afternoon rambling about the property and appreciating all the little signs of life. No flowers yet, except for some crocus who were too sad and shivery-looking to photograph.

Afternoon sun through the trees in the nature preserve bordering our land. Is that a fairy-vision on the left?
This is the first day the pool has been thawed out since the fall. We emptied it a few times then, but it always filled up with rain somehow before we could put it away for the winter. Lucas thinks it's just the spot to go fishing this year. If you around my property, you may surprised to see a lot of big plastic toys for Lucas to play with: slides, gyms, tables, baby mowers, trucks, the pool, etc. Almost every single outdoor toy came from "freecycling" (bulk trash pickup week in our town). I try to do my part by keeping the plastic out of the landfills as long as possible, and getting the most use out of them: Lucas, of course, is happy to oblige!
Rhubarb is one of the first edibles to appear in my yard in Spring. This ancient plant produces shoots all summer long. No matter what, we will never have scurvy!
An old wise man holding the "Seed of Longevity" keeps an eye over this bed of tulips and periwinkle. Last year, I moved the peonies that lived here to another spot. At least, I think I did! Seems awfully early for tulips...
Lady's Mantle (Top) and more tulips (Bottom). Lemon Balm and oregano are also making a show nearby on either side in the herb garden. You may ask, what are tulips doing in the herb garden? And I say unto you: flowers go whither they will. Even the nicest herb garden is, well, a little green. I can't resist putting flowers in with my herbs...And many of my perennial flowers in the "flower garden" are medicinal herbals, too.
Farmer Luke, digging for rocks. He especially likes putting the rocks from the paths into the garden beds, and the mulch from the beds in the paths. Fun!
Spinach seedlings, finally making an appearance.
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