
It's amazing...

I love my home. I love my life. Since we have returned from vacation there have been storms and floods and power outtages, and yet life has seemed so easy, so full, so quiet and good. My son started Kindergarten last week and he loves it. My daughter's speech is developing rapidly and she is astounding me every day with something new she has learned at 19 months. Everything we are wanting is coming to us easily and in a nice flow of appreciation and abundance.

To show my own appreciation for this time of harvest, I've been putting up all kinds of foods: dried tomatoes, tomato sauce, frozen peaches, canned peaches in a light syrup with Cointreau and orange mint leaves, red pepper jam, canned nectarines and nectarine jam.

Life is good!


Barb-Central Texas said...

How nice to see such a happy blog entry! It made me appreciate my own life too, in spite of the drought and wildfires. Sometimes I feel almost guilty for being happy. They say misery love company ... I think happiness loves company as well.

healinggreen said...

Thank you Barb! I know just what you mean... I do try to be positive, and part of the way I've found to do that is to not watch the news, or even have cable TV (we just watch Netflix movies and shows). I listen to NPR a bit, but try to stop if the news becomes too disheartening.

On another not, I am really liking your post mortal blog -- that is awesome. I am passing it on to some friends who are very determined to reverse the aging process and live forever. Myself, I often feel like I am aging physically more slowly than other people -- and I do get those sort of comments from old friends and family. Except for some gravitational side effects from pregnancy and nursing two babies - ha ha ha!